The Testimony of a Soul-Winner -
Romans 1:14-16:
We come into contact with people who are lost and on their way to hell
every day. Yet, we do nothing to reach them. Why do we not tell them? We
do not lead others to Christ because we do not have the heart of the
apostle Paul.
Water From the Well - 2Samuel 23:13-17:
It's the story of three of
David's mighty men who break through the battle line of the
Philistines in order to bring David a drink of water from the
well at Bethlehem. Though David had longed for the water, he
does not drink of it because of the danger the men exposed
themselves to in order to give to him. So, he poured the water
out to the Lord. What's the significance of this story? How can
we apply it to our lives?