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Sermons on Salvation

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  • Blind Man of Bethsaida - Mark 8:22-26:  Mark 8:22-26 gives the only Biblical record of the healing of the blind man of Bethsaida. It is also the only miracle in the life of Christ that is not immediate, for it takes two attempts in order to bring the man perfect sight. What can be the meaning of this?

  • A Brand Plucked From the Fire - Zechariah 3:1-7:  The brand is already burning just like the sinner is already under the condemnation of God.  Salvation is merely pulling the sinner out of the fire.

  • Except Ye Repent - Luke 13:1-5: We were once bombarded with the images of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The disciples asked Jesus about similar tragedies in His day. Will you wait until it is too late?

  • Finding Assurance of Salvation - 1John 5:10-13:  Are you saved?  How can you know that you are saved?  God wants you to know for sure.

  • A Firebrand Plucked Out of the Burning - Amos 4:1-13:  God is certainly a God of mercy and love. But He is also a God of judgment. Are you pushing the limits with God? Are you heading for judgment?

  • The Love of Christ - John 3:16: For God so loved the world..."The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell"

  • Not Without Blood - Hebrews 9:7: The Bible says that God requires a blood sacrifice. Some preachers say that if Jesus had not shed any blood, then His death would not have been a valid sacrifice. The question is why does God require a blood sacrifice--the life of the flesh is in the blood (you can not live without blood), but you can die without bleeding. What is the significance of the blood sacrifice?�

  • The Path of the Hypocrite - 1Kings 2:35: We can know much about the characteristics of hypocrites by looking into the life of Abiathar.  Are you playing the part of a hypocrite?

  • The Portion of the Wicked - Psalm 11:5-7: There are many terrible things in this life that we could experience that would not be pleasant. Possibly the worst thing that could happen to a person is to burn in a fire. It only lasts for a little while and you die, but still that is a horrible way to die. Imagine for a moment if you were on fire and you could not die. How terrible! Such is the lot of all those who have not put their trust for eternity in the finished work of Christ.

  • That Other Gospel - Galatians 1:1-9:  The Apostle Paul was shocked. He marveled that the Galatians had so quickly left the pure teachings of Christ and His gospel in order to follow another gospel. But this other gospel is still with us today. It always starts with the gospel of Christ. Then, it simply adds something, anything, to that gospel. Be sure that you have the pure gospel as your foundation for eternal life.

  • What About the Heathen - Psalm 98:2: What about those who have never heard the gospel?  Will they be held accountable before God?

  • When Jesus Passed By - Luke 19:1-10:  Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he.  However, the Lord passed by and called out to him.  What will you do when Jesus comes your way?



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� 2006 Antioch Baptist Church Knoxville Tennessee