David as a Fugitive
David continues to be protected by the Lord. In some cases (as in the sparing of Saul), he acts in a most honorable way.
Nabal the Fool
The name Nabal means fool (see 1 Samuel 25:25). In scripture, a fool is much more than a degrading name you throw at someone you dislike.
Jesus and Wine
Did Jesus drink alcoholic wine? It is assumed by a great many that He did. Let’s examine this for a moment.
David Respects the Lord’s Anointed
This lesson greatly illustrates a choice made by each person. Will they live their life by conviction or by convenience?
The Wilderness Wanderings of David
This is a most difficult time for David. He is constantly in fear for his life. Yet, he survives by continually seeking God’s will.
David Goes Into Exile
God delights in bringing greatness out of small beginnings; for in this way, God (and not man) receives the glory.
Jonathan’s Covenant with David
Christians ought to be the best friends someone can have. This lesson shows the value of true friendship.
Saul Turns Against David
David has already been anointed to be the next king, but the road to the throne will be a slow and painful one. However, God’s will prevails and David will be king in the end.
David Kills the Giant
What giant’s do you face in your life? By studying David’s victory over Goliath, you can learn how to face your giants.
David Anointed to be King
What a difference we see between Saul and David. One impressed men by his exterior appearance; the other impressed God by the condition of his heart.