Christ the Head
The Son of God is very often in the holy scriptures called an Head. He is the Head of the body, the church, which alludes to a natural Head.
Christ a Shepherd
What can we learn about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from looking at the duties and character of a Shepherd?
God a Man of War
Many in the world today have become pacifists and this has rolled over into Christianity. Although some have good reasons for hating war others simply deny that God is a God of war. This article by comparison shows God to be very much a Man of War.
Christ A Prophet
The Lord Jesus Christ had three offices. They are Prophet, Priest and King. In what aspects was Jesus Christ a Prophet?
The Jewish Laodicean Age
When God’s people get away from the Lord, they begin to give Him the leftovers. Their service to God becomes a weariness to them.
The Day of the Lord's Coming
These chapters look prophetically to the day of the Lord. This will be a day when God will come in wrath and will judge the wicked. However, all is not lost. Those who fear the Lord will be remembered and will be spared. To them, the Sun of righteousness will rise will healing and will care for them as calves that are brought up in the stall. In closing, they are told to look backward to the law of Moses and forward to the coming of Elijah as the herald of the day of the Lord and the Messianic Kingdom to follow.
The Return of Nehemiah
A need broke the heart of Nehemiah. Others saw the problem, but he sought a solution from God with all his heart. Because of his broken heart and because of his willingness to be a part of the solution, the Lord sent him to bring about the solution. We have much to learn from this lesson.
The Completion of the Temple
The people return to the building of the temple and continue with determination in the face of renewed opposition. However, because of their obedience, God turned the opposition into assistance.
Non Existent Revisions in the King James Bible
As the Laodicean church age draws to a close, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ draweth nigh, the predicted departure from the truth of God is occurring at an ever increasing pace.
Daniel Maintains His Purity
The book of Daniel contains a wonderful set of prophecies that have thrilled and challenged Bible students for hundreds of years. But the book also tells some great stories. In this series of outlines, we will look at the first six chapters of the book where we will find a couple of the easier prophecies and several interesting stories.