Enlargement From Another Place
The Bible refers to the enlarging of something 26 times. To enlarge simply means to make larger. Yet, as with so many Bible words, it has many blessings in the use God makes of the word.
God's Plan to Heal the Snake Bitten Israelites
God's people had sinned and He sent fiery serpents among them which bit them. However, God also gave a way of escape to those who would look and live.
Is Birth Control a Sin
Is it a sin to use birth control, or to have marital relations with your wife without the intentions of having a baby?
The Foreknowledge of God
Regarding foreknowledge, I find it inconceivable and impossible to explain how, according to the traditional doctrine of God's foreknowledge, God can know from the beginning who will be saved and who will not be saved while at the same time both of the latter have a free will in choosing their destiny.
Getting God's Attention with Your Sins
God knows all things. But some things get His attention faster than others. He knows all our sins. But some sins get noticed faster and sometimes sin piles up so high that He responds.
Ichabod Baptist Church
The history of Israel during this time is comparative to the situation of many of our churches today. What are you doing to make sure this isn't the case in your church?
Bible Dictionary Entry. Although the name Abdon is only used eight times in the Bible, it is used as the name of four men and one city.
The Judgment of Eli's House
God is a just God who will and does judge sin. Eli is a perfect example that God will judge just as He has said He will.
The Lord Our Rereward
What is a rereward? How is it a blessing that God is our rereward?
Limiting the Holy God
John Calvin's doctrine doesn't work here. Do you limit God?