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For That Thy Name is Near


Psalm 75:1



INTRODUCTION: The toddler confidently marches a few feet into the crowd.  But then, he looks around.  Everything is strange and every face is unfamiliar.  He freezes in place, his face contorts, and he cries for the mother he left behind.  But mother has been watching.  She has kept close and has never taken her eyes off of her precious one.  She steps over, picks up the frightened boy, and assures him, Mommy is right here.  To each of you today, God wants to assure you, He is near and has never left you alone.

I.                     THE NAME OF THE LORD 

A.                 The Importance of a Name (Proverbs 22:1; Isaiah 42:8)


B.                 The Good Name of the Lord


1.                   A great name (Psalm 99:3)

2.                   A holy name (Psalm 103:1; Matthew 6:9)

3.                   Reverend is his name (Psalm 111:9)

4.                   An excellent name ((Psalm 8:1)

5.                   A blessed name (Psalm 113:1-3)


C.                 For His Name�s Sake


1.                   Our sins are forgiven (Psalm 25:11; 1 John 2:12)

2.                   We are led by the Lord (Psalm 23:3; 31:3)



II.                   THE NEARNESS OF HIS NAME


A.                 Not Difficult to Find (Deuteronomy 30:11-14)


B.                 Not Possible to Escape (Psalm 139:1-12)





A.                 Declared by Creation (Psalm 19:1-3; Romans 1:20)


B.                 Declared to Individuals


1.                   The example of Moses (Exodus 33:12-23)

2.                   To them that fear God (Psalm 25:12, 14)

3.                   By God�s providential working (Romans 8:28; Ecclesiastes 3:11)





A.                 The Nearness of the Lord (Ephesians 2:13-16; 3:12; Hebrews 4:16;



B.                 The Rewards of Drawing Nigh (Psalm 73:28; James 4:8-10)



CONCLUSION:  Are you lost in a strange place (like that toddler)?  At each stage of our lives, we can say with Joshua that we �have not passed this way heretofore� (Joshua 3:4).  We tend to lose our bearings and become like frightened children.  We have pulled our hand from the Master�s grip and have darted out into the world on our own.  Suddenly, all is foreboding and we need the Lord.  Yet, He has never lost sight of us, and He looks on with tender care.  Cry out to Him and draw nigh.  He will quickly come.




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