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Bible History

From Egypt to the Promised Land

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A.       Move to Egypt (Ex.1:1-7) 

1.     Joseph�s arrival (Gen.45:4-8)

2.     Jacob�s move (Gen.45:9-13,25-28; 46:1-7)

3.     Roll call (Ex.1:1-6)

4.     Blessings in Egypt (Ex.1:7) 

B.       Bondage in Egypt (Ex.1:8-22) 

1.     A new king (Ex.1:8)

2.     Slavery imposed (Ex.1:9-14)

3.     Male babies ordered killed (Ex.1:15-22)


A.       Call of Moses (Ex.2:1-6:30) 

1.     Moses� birth and adoption (Ex.2:1-10)

2.     Moses� choice (Ex.2:11-25; Acts 7:23-29; Heb.11:24-27)

3.     Moses� call (Ex.3:1-4:31) �four excuses

a.       Position (3:11)

b.       Knowledge (3:13)

c.       Influence (4:1)

d.       Ability (4:10)

4.     Moses comes (Ex.5:1-6:30) 

B.       The Ten Plagues (Ex.7:1-11:10) 

1.     Water to blood (7:1-25)

2.     Frogs (8:1-15)

3.     Lice (8:16-19) �first the Egyptians could not do & first that created life

4.     Flies (8:20-32) �first the Israelites did not suffer

5.     Murrain (9:1-7) �first that brought death

6.     Boils (9:8-12) �first that directly afflicted man (on his person)

7.     Hail (9:13-25)

8.     Locusts (10:1-20)

9.     Darkness (10:21-29)

10. Death of firstborn (11:1-10)

C.       Four Compromises

1.     In the land (8:25)

2.     Not very far (8:28)

3.     Men only (10:11)

4.     Leave your flocks (10:24) 

D.       Passover and Departure (Ex.12:1-51) 

1.     The Passover (12:1-28)

2.     The sending out (12:29-36)

3.     The first steps (12:37-41)

a.       600,000 men (v.37)

b.       A mixed multitude (v.38a)

c.       Cattle and crackers (v.38b-39)

d.       430 years of bondage (v.40-41)

4.     A night to be remembered (12:42-51) 


A.       Red Sea Crossing (Ex.13:1-15:21) 

1.     Instructions (13:1-22)

2.     Deliverance (14:1-31)

3.     Song of praise (15:1-21) 

B.       Early Travels (Ex.15:22-18:27) 

1.     At Marah (15:22-26) �bitter waters

2.     At Elim (15:27) �an oasis

3.     At the Wilderness of Sin (16:1-36) �manna

4.     At Rephidim (17:1-18:27)

a.       Water from the rock (17:1-7)

b.       War with Amelek (17:8-16)

c.       Advice from Jethro (18:1-27) 

C.       Giving of the Law (Ex.19:1-24:18) 

1.     The ten commandments (Ex.19:1-20:17; see Deut.4:13; 10:4)

2.     The book of the covenant (Ex.20:22-24:18; see 24:7) 

D.       Golden Calf (Ex.32:1-34:35) 

1.     Their sin (32:1-6)

2.     Their judgment (32:7-10)

3.     Moses� intercession (32:11-33:23)

4.     Their renewal (34:1-35)

E.       First Census (Num.1:1-3:51)

F.        The Nation Organized (Num.4:1-10:36) 


A.       Continued Murmurings (Num.11:1-12:16) 

1.     Complaints about manna (11:1-15)

2.     Appointment of 70 elders (11:16-30)

3.     Provision of quail (11:31-34)

4.     Aaron and Miriam�s rebellion (12:1015) 

B.       Spies and Divine Rejection (Num.13:1-14:45) 

1.     Report from the spies (13:1-33)

2.     Refusal to enter the land (14:1-10)

3.     Rejected by God (14:11-45)

a.       10 temptations (14:22)

b.       40 years of wandering (14:33-34) 

C.       Still More Murmurings (Num.20:1-21:20) 

1.     Water from the rock (20:1-13) �struck a second time

2.     Passage refused by Edom (20:14-21)

3.     Death of Aaron (20:23-29)

4.     Fiery serpents (21:1-9)

5.     Detour around Edom (21:10-20) 

D.       Early Victories (Num.21:21-35) 

1.     Over Sihon of the Amorites (21:21-32)

2.     Over Og of Bashaan (21:33-35) 

E.       Prophecy of Balaam (Num.22:1-24:25) 

F.        Deliverance by Phinehas (Num.25:1-18) 

G.       Second Census (Num.26:1-27:11) 

H.       From Moses to Joshua (Num.27:12-23; Deut.31:1-24:12) 

1.     Joshua chosen and sharged (Num.27:12-23)

2.     Last words of Moses (Deut.31:1-30)

3.     Song of Moses (Deut.32:1-52)

4.     Blessing of Moses (Deut.33:1-29)

5.     Death of Moses (Deut.34:1-12) 

[Check out Bible Lesson on Death of Moses]


A.       Preparation for Conquest (Josh.1:1-5:15) 

1.     Joshua�s charge (1:1-18)

[Check out Bible Lesson on Joshua Takes Command]

2.     Jericho spied (2:1-24)

3.     Jordan crossed (3:1-17)

4.     Memorial raised (4:1-24)

5.     Circumcision and passover (5:1-15) 

B.       Land Conquered (Josh.6:1-12:24) 

1.     Beachhead � Jericho defeated (6:1-27)

2.     Central conquest (7:1-8:35)

3.     Southern conquest (9:1-10:43)

4.     Northern conquest (11:1-12:24) 

C.       Inheritance Given (Josh.13:1-21:45) 

1.     Special allotments (13:1-14:15)

a.       2 � tribes (13:1-33)

b.       Caleb (14:1-15)

2.     Major allotments (15:1-19:51) �9 � tribes

3.     Special provisions (20:1-21:45)

a.       Cities of refuge (20:1-9)

[Check out Bible Lesson on Cities of Refuge]

b.       Levitical cities (21:1-45) 

D.       Final Charges (Josh.22:1-24:33) 

1.     To the eastern tribes (22:1-34)

2.     To the western tribes (23:1-16)

3.     To the assembled tribes (24:1-33)


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