Establishing the City of Jerusalem
The work of rebuilding the wall is not fully completed until the city is inhabited with a sufficient population and the wall is dedicated to the Lord. If you have done a work for the Lord, make sure that you finish the work by making sure that it set on a firm foundation and by dedicating it to the Lord and to His service.
The Making of a Covenant
A covenant is a solemn agreement. The most important covenants in the Bible are those in which God makes a covenant with man: the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, etc. Here is a covenant which man makes with God. The Israelites recognize the importance of God and covenant together to wholly follow Him.
The Decree Against the Jews
The first two chapters of Esther gave the background of the story of Esther. Chapter three reveals the true conflict of this Bible story. Haman is established as the chief of the princes of the Persian Empire. Then Haman, in his hatred of Mordecai, lashes out at the entire Jewish race within the realm of the great Persian Empire. They are to be completely destroyed.
The News of Saul’s Death
When you compare the description of Saul’s death in this chapter with that in 1 Samuel 31, you will find two different stories of how Saul died. 1 Samuel 31:4-5 tells us that he died at his own hand by falling on his own sword. In 2 Samuel 1:9-10 we are told that he was killed by the Amalekite. Is there a contradiction? No. The second account is that of the Amalekite himself who thought he would receive a reward for killing David’s enemy.
Introduction to Leviticus
The Levitical sacrificial system had five separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord.
The Interpretation of Prophecy
Some say that prophecy is too hard to understand. Everyone interprets the Bible differently and there is no correct way to interpret prophecy. This is not true. As in everything else, God gives us the guidance to understand the prophecy that He wrote.
The Call of Samuel
After the record of the miraculous birth of Samuel in chapter one and the praiseful prayer of Hannah in chapter two (1 Samuel 2:1-10), we are introduced to the spiritual famine of this time – which is still the time of the judges.
The Acceptance of the Offering
It is not enough that the offering is brought; it must be acceptable to God. God must receive it.
Christ a Rock
The scripture compares our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to a rock. The scripture also declares that our Rock is not as their rock. What can we learn from these truths?
God Compared to a Bear
What can we learn about God from our understanding of the nature of bears? God compared something He was going to do with something that a bear would do. Find out what a blessing it is.