David Anointed to be King
What a difference we see between Saul and David. One impressed men by his exterior appearance; the other impressed God by the condition of his heart.
Samuel’s Word to Israel
The Israelites were determined to have a king like all the nations and God had granted their request.
Samuel as Judge of Israel
Samuel’s rule as judge was not without its problems. His sons fell short of Samuel’s example and the people demanded a king.
Christ - A King
There is no higher name or title to set forth dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates.
The Return of the Ark
In these two chapters, God’s holiness is vindicated.
The Birth of Samuel
God brings a man into the world who will begin to bring Israel back to God. That man is Samuel.
Bibliology - The Preservation of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Bibliology - The Inspiration of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Bibliology - The Identity of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.