The Vanity of Luxury
Chapter one of Ecclesiastes describes the vanity of labor and learning. The first half of chapter two describes the vanity of luxury. Solomon tried mirth, which is laughter and merriment (v.1-2). He tried wine (v.3), houses (v.4), vineyards (v.4), gardens (v.5), orchards (v.5), pools (v.6), servants (v.7), cattle (v.7), treasures (v.8) and music (v.8). He found that they were all “vanity and vexation of spirit” (v.11).
How many times have we thought that having just a little more of the things of this world might bring us happiness? Yet, Solomon had more than we could ever imagine and still did not find peace or joy. Why do possessions not bring happiness? What should our attitude be toward the things of this world? How can we go about finding true happiness?
You might find it helpful to take the Contentment Quiz with today's portion.