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That You May Grow Series

By: Evangelist Donnie Melton

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That You May Grow is a new discipleship series by Evangelist Donnie Melton of Gray, Georgia.  Brother Melton has allowed us to put the material from his first book on the our web site.  All rights of reproduction are reserved by him.  However, he does give permission for individual use of the materials on www.learnthebible.org.  You may also order copies of these and other books by Brother Donnie Melton from:

P. O. BOX 665
GRAY, GA 31032
(478) 986-9441

Besides the introductory pages, each lesson has a teaching section and study questions at the end of the lesson.  Please let us know if these lessons have been a help to you.  You never know how much of a blessing a word of encouragement can be.


Introductory Material

bullet About the Author
bullet Foreword
bullet Purpose of this Series

Discipleship Lessons - Volume One

bullet Assurance of Salvation: What Has God Done?
bullet Assurance of Salvation: What Must I Do?
bullet Assurance of Salvation: Can I Know For Sure?
bullet Assurance of Salvation: Can I Lose My Salvation?
bullet Believer's Baptism
bullet Church Membership
bullet Grow Through Bible Study
bullet Get Through Prayer
bullet Give Through Tithes and Offerings
bullet Go Through Soul Winning
bullet Glow Through Personal Testimony

Discipleship Lessons - Volume Two

bullet The One God of the Bible:  Basic teaching on the existence and essence of God.  Good for those wanting to understand basic Bible doctrine.
bullet God the Father: First Person of the Trinity - Bible Lesson on the doctrine of God.  With study questions.
bullet God the Son: Second Person of the Trinity - Lesson on Jesus Christ: who He is, what He has done, is doing and will do. Great introduction to the doctrine of Christ.
bullet God the Holy Spirit: Third Person of the Trinity - The Person, Promise and Purposes of the Holy Ghost.  He will convict you, convert you, control you and counsel you.  Discipleship lesson with test at the end.
bullet Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures: Bible Study by Evangelist Donnie Melton with study questions to see what you have learned



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� 2006 Antioch Baptist Church Knoxville Tennessee