Praying for the Sin Unto Death
What is the correct interpretation of not praying for the sin unto death found in 1 John 5:16?
Peace and Safety
I just read a book which states there must be peace and safety before the rapture can occur and that the earth must experience such a catastrophic event before the antichrist can come to power. If the apostles looked for Jesus in their time, shouldn't we be looking for Him now instead of looking for peace and safety?
Passover Celebration
I would like to know when to celebrate Passover and what the real traditions are that the Lord requires?
Partaking of The Lord's Supper
Why should we take the Holy Communion? Who should not take the Holy Communion?
The Origin of God
Where did God come from? Does God have an origin or is God a being from which everything else came but who Himself came from nothing else?
Origination of the Races
Where did the different races come from and do we know if Adam and Eve were white?
Ordinances Nailed to Cross
Where in the Bible does it state that the ceremonial law was nailed to the cross?
Once Saved Always Saved
Please explain what this means, I'm not sure I understand it.
Old Testament Sacrifices
Did the sacrifices of the Old Testament completely do away with sins?
Old Testament Filling of the Spirit
Was John the Baptist the first man "filled with the Holy Ghost" vs. having the "Spirit put upon him?"