What Is Outer Darkness?
What is the connection between "outer darkness" and "gnashing of teeth"?
The Woman of Revelation Twelve
Can you explain the woman being hid in Revelation 12 and Israel's part in the tribulation?
The Word of God - Name of Jesus
Why do people refer to the Bible as the word of God when the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Word of God?
Who is Us?
My question pertains to Genesis 3:22. Specifically, in whom is God referring to when he states Adam is one of us, who is us? Is this the triune God?
Worship In Spirit
What does it mean when it says that God is a spirit and we must worship him in spirit?
Were Adam and Eve Saved?
There is no direct statement of a salvation experience in the Bible and we have no statement as to what exactly would compose salvation for them. See what Pastor Reagan has to say.
Wearing Shorts At Work
I am a saved male and wanted to know if it was ok to wear shorts on extremely hot days. The shorts would pass the knees and only be worn at work. My pastor said we should cover our legs past our thighs and be modest in our dress but on hot and humid days it is almost unbearable.