Jacob Gets Married
Jacob is still the deceiver. However, God is still blessing him and is certainly teaching him. In this lesson, he learns what it is to be deceived himself. We should consider our actions in like manner. Would we be willing to receive from others what we give to them?
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The Birth of Jacob and Esau
This lesson gives several examples, both negative and positive, of waiting on God. Isaac waited on the right bride. He also waits on the promised offspring (as opposed to his father who went in to Hagar). He seeks God’s help through prayer. Rebekah prays for an answer to the dilemma of the struggle in her womb and God gives her special insight into His plan.
The Offering of Isaac
Several approaches are possible with this lesson. You may want to emphasize the doctrinal approach in which the offering of Isaac is a wonderful type of the sacrifice of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. Or, you might approach the lesson from the standpoint of Abraham and his faith in the Lord. You might even go back over his life and review the growth of his faith through the years. A third approach, especially good for teaching children, would be to consider the viewpoint of Isaac. He obviously submitted to his father and trusted him. Isaac is certainly an example of an obedient child. Yet, all of these approaches emphasize surrender and sacrifice. You might do well to consider what it means to be truly surrendered to the Lord.
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Journey to Gerar
Abraham is maturing in his life. These two chapters deal with things in his life that are coming to some kind of completion. His life is bearing the fruit he has planted - for good or bad.
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Sodom and Gomorrah
The five cities of the plain were ancient cities of renown (Genesis 10:19). They had a large population, plenty of water and an excellent climate (Genesis 13:10). Yet, four of these cities were destroyed during the lifetime of Abraham (Deuteronomy 29:23). In the midst of one of these cities was the nephew of Abraham. Lot was not the evil man that many perceive him to be. In the scriptures, he is called a righteous and a just man (2 Peter 2:6-8). Yet, Lot certainly failed. Why and how did he do so?
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Abraham’s Meeting with God
This section of the Bible gives a great lesson on hospitality. But, more than that, it deals with fellowship with God. Abraham received the Lord into his home and the Lord felt enough confidence in Abraham to reveal to him what He was getting ready to do.
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The Great Flood
Even in the midst of destruction, God provides a way for the salvation of those who will trust in Him. The emphasis of this lesson is not one of judgment but of God’s mercy for His own. Notice also that God delivers His people out of the way of His wrath. He does not make them go through it. In like manner, God’s people in the age of grace will be raptured from the earth before the falling of God’s wrath upon it (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
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Final Authority - Chapter 1
The story is told when Sir Walter Scott lay dying, he asked his son-in-law to bring him “The Book.” With astonishment the young man replied, Father, your library contains thousands of volumes, including your own works. To which book are you referring?” The veteran author immediately replied, “There is only one book which we call “The Book.’ Bring me the Bible.”
Men of God - Men Who Administrate
Introduction: In the opening text:
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The Week of Creation
INTRODUCTION: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” is the basis of all we are and all we believe. Since we came from God, He is the only source for the truth about ourselves and about the purpose of life. We came from God. In order to have eternal life and a reason for living, we must return to God.