The Righteous Judgment of God (Daily Portion 10304)
The passage describes the righteous judgment of God and leaves man no excuse for disobeying His commandments. But even here, God
The Four Chariots (Daily Portion 10303)
The vision of the four chariots is the last of eight night visions in the first six chapters of Zechariah (called night visions because Zechariah said,
God Gathers the Outcasts (Daily Portion 10302)
In this chapter, God gathers the outcasts of Israel (mentioning the stranger, or foreigner, and the eunuch) and gives them a prominent place in His covenant. They will be blessed as God makes His house a house of prayer for all people. Yet, God continues to be angry with the shepherds who serve themselves alone and live as greedy dogs.
Passing on the Truth (Daily Portion 10301)
This passage teaches us the supreme importance of passing the truth of God from one generation to another. It also describes what happens when a generation of God
Prayers to Satan
Does the Devil have the power to answer prayers? Is there any indication in scripture that he would be able to do so?
Satan's Access to Heaven
If God does not allow sin to enter into Heaven then why is Satan allowed access to accuse the brethren?
Handshakes in the Church
At church we spend about 10-15 minutes greeting each other and it makes me feel uncomfortable. My question is, is it right for men and women to be shaking each others hand?
Finding a Church
What should we look for when trying to find a Biblical church? Are there certain things that we should watch out for?
Expository Preaching
I am a preacher, an assistant pastor of a church. I was wondering if you knew of anywhere I could find some courses for expository preaching? My main focus is to be able to preach God's word in its fullness and not in my opinion. If you could help me find anything on this I would appreciate it.