Adaption - Example of Evolution or Not?
Our jaws are getting smaller, more people are having their wisdom teeth removed due to pain and complications, and some people are born without wisdom teeth. Does it say anything in the Bible about de-evolution or adaption?
Groves are spoken against much in the King James Bible and are spoken of much by the New Age disciples. However, they are often ignored in the newer Bible versions. This article considers why.
Final Authority - Chapter 1
An excerpt from the book Final Authority by Dr. William P. Grady. This chapter was written to warn the child of God of the war that has been waged against our Bible.
Attack on the English Bible
David Reagan's introduction to Doug Stauffer's new book, One Book Stands Alone.
The Apocrypha
What is the apocrypha and why was is contained in the 1611 King James Bible? Is the Apochrypha considered part of the Holy Bible?
The Covenant in Moab (Daily Portion 10227)
In Deuteronomy, God made a covenant with Israel that was distinct from His covenant with them at Mount Sinai. This one was made in Moab at the end of the forty years of wandering in the wilderness and at the time of their entry into the Promised Land. This chapter gives some description of that covenant.
God Remembered Noah (Daily Portion 10226)
In the Bible, the number eight is often used as a sign of new beginnings. Here, in Genesis eight, the human race got a new beginning when Noah and his family left the ark to begin their new life on the earth. But, before they left the ark, the waters must subside. Then, after they left the ark, Noah builds an altar to God and the Lord is pleased. God has not left them without hope. As the chapter begins, God remembered Noah.
The Depths of Sin (Daily Portion 10225)
This passage describes the depths to which sin will take man if he refuses to repent and return to the Lord. We see here the progressive nature of man’s rebellion and the steps God takes in turning from man. This passage stands as a warning to all of us about the danger of straying away from God.
Visions of Warning (Daily Portion 10224)
In this chapter, God gives Zechariah two visions of warning. First, he sees a flying roll, which is identified as the curse. This pictures the law of God and the curse on those who disobey it. Second, he sees a woman sitting in a basket called an ephah (after the size of the basket). This vision is called wickedness and portrays false religion.
The Lord Will Abundantly Pardon (Daily Portion 10223)
God has filled this short chapter with vivid pictures of redemption and wonderful verses of encouragement. Perhaps the theme of this chapter is that the Lord