Who are the Two Witnesses?
The identity of the two witnesses of the Book of Revelation is a highly disputed topic. As objectively as possible we will look at the main interpretations and give the strengths and weaknesses of each.
What Is Outer Darkness?
What is the connection between "outer darkness" and "gnashing of teeth"?
Woman, What Have I To Do With Thee?
What is the significance of Christ's words to his mother in John 2:1-5?
Urim and Thummin
How does the practice of "Urim and Thummin" in the Old Testament differ from forbidden practices of divination?
How to Know if a Person is a True Prophet
I do not believe we should be looking for prophets today. However, for the sake of discussion, I will give three biblical tests of a true prophet. They are a good way to test prophets for any age or time.
The Trinity Explained
I have a question/comment about the trinity. Can the trinity be explained as such...a man is a father, a son and a husband, i.e. one person with three distinct roles? Please give simple examples such as this followed by any pertinent scripture.
The Sealing of a Covenant
How was a covenant sealed in the Old Testament? Between two different tribes or God and Abraham? Covenants can be made between two different men or entities (as nations) or between God and man.
Salvation Under the Law
Describe how people were saved in the Old Testament after the law was given?
Resurrections and Judgments
We have heard much about the judgment of believers in the age of grace at the Judgment seat of Christ, but what about those saved during the tribulation or the millennium? Have the Old Testament saints already been judged or will they too be at the Judgment seat of Christ?
Prophecy or Prediction
What is the main difference between "Prophecy" and "Prediction"?