The Call of Samuel
After the record of the miraculous birth of Samuel in chapter one and the praiseful prayer of Hannah in chapter two (1 Samuel 2:1-10), we are introduced to the spiritual famine of this time – which is still the time of the judges.
The Acceptance of the Offering
It is not enough that the offering is brought; it must be acceptable to God. God must receive it.
The Abomination of Desolation
Abomination – that which is hateful and disgusting, especially to God
Saints Compared to Pilgrims
As saints of God we should have some things in common with a pilgrim. How are you like a pilgrim?
God a Man of War
Many in the world today have become pacifists and this has rolled over into Christianity. Although some have good reasons for hating war others simply deny that God is a God of war. This article by comparison shows God to be very much a Man of War.
Christ a Testator
The death of the Testator has put His will and testament into effect. In what ways is Christ a Testator? Great blessings have been left to His people? Are you experiencing those blessings?
Christ A Prophet
The Lord Jesus Christ had three offices. They are Prophet, Priest and King. In what aspects was Jesus Christ a Prophet?
Why I Reject Salvation by Works for any Dispensation
Are we saved by works? Has man ever been saved by works? Outline study by David Reagan.
The Return Under Ezra
The temple was indeed completed by Zerubbabel. But that was almost sixty years ago and the people have again come to a place of spiritual deadness. They need a revival and God has prepared a special man. Ezra had dedicated his life to learning, doing, and teaching the law of the Lord (Ezra 7:10). God gives him favor with the king of Persia and he organizes a successful return to the land of promise.
Esther Must Die to Self
Esther had kept the identity of her people a secret from the king. Now, by Haman’s influence, the king has issued a decree to destroy the entire Jewish race. If she appears before the king without being recognized, she will be put to death. If she reveals her people and the decree stands, she will be put to death. The only solution is for her to die to herself before she acts. This she does with integrity and honor.