Disobedience Angers God (Daily Portion 10308)
The history of Israel demonstrates that they were often a people of doubt and rebellion against God. But that is also the history of all of God
Devil Possession and Christians
Can a Christian be possessed by devils, even though he has the Holy Spirit inside of him?
Final Authority - Chapter 1
An excerpt from the book Final Authority by Dr. William P. Grady. This chapter was written to warn the child of God of the war that has been waged against our Bible.
The Disappearing Bible
The new versions have long been accused of removing phrases and verses from the Bible. Is it possible that they are removing concepts as well?
Attack on the English Bible
David Reagan's introduction to Doug Stauffer's new book, One Book Stands Alone.
Visions of Warning (Daily Portion 10224)
In this chapter, God gives Zechariah two visions of warning. First, he sees a flying roll, which is identified as the curse. This pictures the law of God and the curse on those who disobey it. Second, he sees a woman sitting in a basket called an ephah (after the size of the basket). This vision is called wickedness and portrays false religion.
The Lord Will Abundantly Pardon (Daily Portion 10223)
God has filled this short chapter with vivid pictures of redemption and wonderful verses of encouragement. Perhaps the theme of this chapter is that the Lord
Only Eight Survive the Flood (Daily Portion 10219)
In this chapter, God sent the flood that destroyed all breathing beings on the face of the earth. But first, He ensured the deliverance of Noah, his family, and all kinds of animals by shutting them in the ark Noah had built in obedience to God
Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Daily Portion 10218)
Paul speaks of his desire to preach the gospel as a debtor to all men. He also speaks of the responsibility of all men to respond to the revelation given to them.